
Sharing on AsiaHep 2023 Education Series

19 Jun 2023

Prof. Grace Wong and Dr. Jimmy Lai shared some important notes for Hepatitis B on AsiaHep 2023 education series.

Prof. Grace Wong shared the comorbidities that hepatitis B patients may suffer, including fatty liver, kidney function and bone density decline. These diseases will also affect the treatment of hepatitis B and it is necessary to use drugs that can protect the kidneys and bones.

Dr. Jimmy Lai described the population of hepatitis B patients who are recommended for antiviral treatment and the dangers of stopping medication without doctors' approval.

You may refer to the videos below for more details.

Sharing from Prof. Grace Wong - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGbHpv5vyG4

Sharing from Dr. Jimmy Lai - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJFDhdokgk8